Saturday, September 17, 2011

I knew it would happen

Yes I knew the moments of racism, or perceived rascism were going to occur. I also know that they are going to be a reality for my Sons for the rest of their lives. I hate this, but I recognize there is not a thing  can do about it.

I took Ahbie to the Pediatrician on Friday. I really like his Dr, and the nurses and staff are always so nice to us.

We were in the waiting room along with four other children. There was this little girl, she was 5 or 6, very soft spoken, and good to her younger brother who was also there.

Ahbie and I sat down in in some chairs along one of the walls but Ahbie could not see the movie that was on so we changed seats. Innocent enough right? We move seats and Ahbie sits next to the little girl. He is captivated by the movie and not paying attention to anything else around him. All of a sudden I hear this little girl say to no-one inparticular "I don't want to sit next to the black boy" and she started to scoot forward on her seat as if to leave. I looked at her after she said this and I must have had daggers in my eyes because she stopped mid-scoot and then slowly sat back again.

Ahbie was completely oblivious to what has been said, thank goodness. But I was fuming. Her father was sitting right there, he didn't say anything, perhaps he didn't hear her, I don't know.

I contemplated saying something to her but ruled out that option as I was to angry and anything said would only have made me look foolish. Not to mention, if the Father had heard who knows what he may have said or done had I said something. So, I said nothing....Absolutely nothing....

How are children at that age already so hateful? How can parents raise their children to be that way? Whether it's against race, religion, gender, etc. teaching your innocent child to dislike based on that one trait is so disgraceful.

And then I come full circle and realize that this will not be the last time I hear comments or my Boys hear comments and the best gift I can give them is to instill in them the pride and love for oneself that will help them to look at anyone who hates in such a way and pity them versus allowing their hatred to define them.

Just look at this beautiful face, how can you not help but love him?