Sunday, July 24, 2011

Missing Ethiopia

I miss Ethiopia. I miss the very early morning wake up call from the rooster and the responding barks from the dogs. I miss the morning prayers over the loudspeaker. I miss the sound at 4:30am of a car driving by every 5 minutes or so, before the heavy all day long traffic kicks in. I miss the friends I made there, and the music played in the restaurant at the guest house. I miss the walks down the street to the grocery, where we would buy juice and afoofas (balloons). I miss the people who were always so kind, and once you said Salem their faces would light up and beautiful smiles would follow. I miss Sele Enat and the children there. I miss the Nannies and Teacher and Bete and Lydia. I miss the piece of my heart that has been left behind.